3895 Adler Place
Building A - Suite 100
Bethlehem PA 18017

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Functional Medicine Nutrition

Functional Medicine (FM) is a patient centered, systems based approach to health & wellness. It incorporates the latest most up-to-date research & testing available. Functional Medicine fosters a therapeutic relationship between the client & practitioner that is the foundation of true health & healing.

The FM Model provides a framework through which complex information relating to signs & symptoms can be processed in order to look for connections & underlying causes. The goal of Functional Medicine is to remove the cause & restore normal function. This new model allows us to understand & treat the cause, not the symptoms.

Symptoms are often the body's normal response to an underlying dysfunction. In the conventional medical model, a drug is typically given to treat the symptom. Quieting the symptom may bring (some) relief, but the underlying dysfunction is often still present. This is similar to disarming a smoke detector instead of addressing the real problem (the fire). In the same way, addressing only the symptom merely quiets, or worse, disconnects the body's alarm system. The underlying cause is still present & will continue to create disease within the body.

When we correct the underlying imbalance, not only do the symptoms go away, but we have the added benefit of improving the patient's overall health. Determining the cause can often be accomplished by truly listening to the patient's story through the lens of Functional Medicine. If necessary, a variety of bio-medical & Functional Medicine tests can be utilized to assess client's systems. These tests include, blood tests, organic acids testing, amino acid profiles, hormone, & stool tests.

Nutritional Counseling

Current nutritional recommendations here at Bethlehem Nutrition Wellness Center (BNWC)focus on a whole foods nutrient dense diet that truly nourishes the body. This type of diet is then personalized depending on our client's goals, food allergies or sensitivities & state of health. Our dietary recommendations can be designed to support gastro-intestinal healing, detoxification needs, immune system support, exercise recovery, weight loss, as well as reduce inflammation & hormonal imbalances.

Our nutritional recommendations here at Bethlehem Nutrition Wellness Center (BNWC) focus on a whole foods nutrient dense diet that truly nourishes the body. This type of diet is then personalized depending on our client's goals, food allergies or sensitivities & state of health. Our dietary recommendations can be designed to support gastro-intestinal healing, detoxification needs, immune system support, exercise recovery, weight loss, as well as reduce inflammation & hormonal imbalances.

Often, the dietary recommendations evolve throughout the nutritional counseling process depending on feedback we get from you & how well your body is responding to the recommendations. We believe that with every bite of food we eat, we are creating either health or a state of dis-ease within our body. Nutrition is the foundation of what we do here at BNWC. We are passionate about helping you achieve your goals.

Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition Response Testing is a safe, non-invasive, natural method of analyzing the body's physical & nutritional needs. It can quickly locate food intolerances, immune stressors & toxins, as well as, identify appropriate nutritional & herbal remedies that correct imbalances in the body.

We use Nutrition Response Testing, a form of applied kinesiology, to assess the body's neurological reflexes. These reflexes are derived from acupuncture points that have been selected from the Chinese system of acupuncture, a system that has been used successfully for thousands of years. By using this technique, we are able to identify underlying stress or weakness in your body's systems & organs, which may be affecting your overall health. Our goal is to find the underlying cause of your symptoms. Based on the results from Nutrition Response Testing, as well as, other assessments made in the office, we recommend specific whole food nutrition & herbal supplements along with dietary & lifestyle counseling to help return the body to its natural balance by identifying what YOUR body needs.

Guided Detoxification

Just as nutritional healing protocols need to be individualized, detoxification protocols should be individualized, as well. Detoxification is really just a way of supporting the body's natural system of ridding itself of toxins. Unfortunately, there are many factors that can interfere with the body's ability to handle the toxin load we are exposed to everyday.

Our guided detoxification programs take each individual's level of health, nutritional status, & toxin exposures into account. Through careful assessment, we are able to create a personally designed, safe & effective detoxification program for each individual client.

Contact Us Today!

Visit us at our new location
starting March 18, 2024
3895 Adler Place, Building A - Suite 100,
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Bethlehem Nutrition & Wellness Center
Phone: 610-419-3909