Deb Phillips Web Design - Affordable Web Design - Lehigh Valley, PA


UPDATED: 08/16/2024

We look forward to working with you. Call us today!
Phone: 484-221-0150

Our Services include; affordable web design & development, SEO for higher browser ranking, which is very important so that your website will be found for certain keywords pertaining to your business products & services. We are located in the United States. My home office is in Northampton Pennsylvania. I actually answer my phone. NO LONG HOLD TIMES! when you reach out to Deb Phillips Web Design, you actually reach a person everytime. I talk to my clients if they have a problem. They actually come to my home office & sit with me. They have input with their website design. We have been in business, since 2001. We specialize in SEO ranking to help your website get on the top pages of Google, Yahoo/Bing & other browsers. We are happy to share some of our customer testimonials. They are real with first & last names, pictures & links to their websites. So many times the testimonials that we see on the internet are not real ... that is why I've included their REAL names, with their permission. Thank you to all of my clients who have taken the time to write Testimonials for my company. CLICK HERE to view my resume.

Deb Phillips Web Design - Customer Testimonials

Photo Editing - Photoshop work is another specialty. Editing the photos on your website to compress the file size for fast load time is extremely important. When we compress them, we can also enhance the images to make them brighter, clearer & correct color for high quality online images. We also restore old photos that are damaged from time. We can fix rips, spots, & give you back a Hi-Res image that you can print & display. We can also add people to an image, who may have been missing, or ill at the time that the photo was taken. I have some samples of this work on my website.

We also design logos, business cards, brochures, out door signs, backlit signs and much more. We work directly with the print factories, who have specific requirements for Hi-Res images & certain file types that the factory needs to complete your project. Hi-Res artwork is required to assure that your printed projects will produce high quality results for all of your finished print products.

Jan. 2025 Redesign
East Coast Sunrooms, LLC

Lee has been my client for 10 years. A business contacted him, promised top browser ranking & more business. New site build $750. Two months of $750/mo for top placement. My original site was still ranking on top. Two months with the new site, NO top placement, NO new business. He paid this company $2,250 in 3 months to prove this was a scam. His top ranking still intact with my original design. My cost $200/year to keep his site online. NO MONTHLY fees. He found out, for a price, that they could NOT do what they claimed.

Lee was skeptical & happy that he kept my site live, while trying this new company. We have redesigned his original site. Just waiting for new project images to publish the redesign.

2025-Lee's Sunroom Website

Oct. 2024 New Website
Crazie Candi Creationz

Small family run business. We bought the Freeze Dryer machine in hopes that we can get started now. Hopefully when our kids are older they can take over a well established family business. Get all your freeze dried candy needs give us a call or text Drew 610-212-5968 or Connie 484-368-4851. ABE area. No charge for delivery. Pick Up or Drop Off. We are here for all your Freeze Dried Candy needs!! Once the website is published, my clients pay a once a yearly fee of under $200 to keep their sites online. I do not charge monthly fees. Site will be published in the Spring of 2025, just in time for her summer shows. She is creating PayPal buttons for online purchases.

2024-Crazie Candi Creationz Link to website

Sept. 2024 Site Rebuild
Smart Solutions Inc/Creative Holistic Therapy

Lyn S Felix is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and an ordained Interfaith Minister. Lyn has a thriving holistic private practice in Allentown PA. Lyn has been a customer since April of 2010. She called about a redesign. She has expanded her services since her original website design 10 years ago.

Her site was finished within a week with no content from Lyn. I just researched her online information & the redesign was finished when she came for her appointment. We published Lyn's site that day. I was happy to help her advertise her continued education, additional services & new design.

Creative Holistic Therapy

My clients have total access to their hosting servers. They know their login information. They who is hosting their site. I am a re-seller & ALL of my client's have full access to their accounts. They know where their domain & SSL certificate were purchased. My clients also pay my reduced re-seller rates for their Domain, SSL & their hosting.

Here are the yearly costs for my reseller fees; Hosting Fee: $95.88, SSL Certificate: $67.99, 1-Year Domain: $21.99. My Clients pay a total of only $185.87 per year to keep their websites online. This cost is higher than the self built website tools. This is because hosting at a slightly higher cost than the no cost templates, you are NOT on the slower overcrowded servers that cause slow load times. PLUS, I DO NOT charge a monthly fee like the self build tools, unless they want monthly Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services. My price for these services range from $100 - $300 depending on the size of the website. You do not have to wait months for your site to be finished. I built both of these sites within the last 3 weeks. They are almost ready to publish, once the owners approve the final design.

Click Cell Thumbnails to View Our Most recent Published Client's Websites

I.C.E. Logistics - Trucking Company
A.B.E. Remodeling - Home Improvements


"Mobile Friendly - Responsive Web Design." This is required by GOOGLE for higher browser ranking. This type of design does not even need to be optimized for the mobile phones. Bootstrap programming code automatically sizes the website to fit any size cell phone, tablet, OR computer's monitor size.

Deb Phillips Web DesignGoogle also requires ALL websites have a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate to maintain higher browser ranking.
SSL Secure Socket Layer Certificate

The SSL certificate makes your site 256 bit encrypted, which prevents malware, tracking cookies & other security issues. SSL Certificates protects your site & your viewers.


We are a small business established in 2001. We build websites that work properly using HTML, Bootstrap responsive & Javascript programming code.

Our websites are complete with SEO for high ranking, at NO extra charge. Once published, we manually submit your website to ALL Search Engines with our submission tool.

Google & Yahoo/Bing Webmaster Tools

We place Google and Yahoo/Bing verification codes in the header tag of your html code. These codes enable us to add your website to our Google & Yahoo/Bing webmaster tools so that we can track your website's traffic, monitor the browser algorithms to be sure that your site is optimized for higher browser ranking.


We specialize in photo editing & photo compression for fast page loading speeds. We can also restore old photos that are damaged with rips, spots, etc. We design logos, business cards, brochures, & signs. We work directly with the print factories, using Hi-Res images that produce high quality print work.Graphic Design

We are truly a One-Stop Shop for ALL of your business needs. PLEASE call today - 484-221-0150 - we can answer any questions that you may have. We guarantee top quality print work. Since we have worked closely with the factories, we understand the requirements needed to produce high quality print work. We have worked in graphic design, since 1986.

Start your own "Small at Home Business." If you have crafting skills or any other saleable product, you can create a small 3-page responsive website design for only $881.04. This includes a 1-year domain, hosting, & an SSL certificate. Shopping Cart & PayPal Buttons can be added to your website to accept sales. CALL TODAY to get started 484-221-0150.

Click Thumbnails to View Our Client's Websites

Below are some of our websites published between 2012 - 2022. My original 1st website published 01/15/2001 is also displayed. The ANS site is a 280 page shopping cart website that is still selling business forms across the United States. I do not enough room to display ALL of the published websites from 2001 to present, so I have displayed a sampling. This is approximately 1/2 of my current client's published websites. I have approximately 70 published websites. I have built over 2500 websites, since the start of my business in 2001. Many of my original websites from 2001 to 2012 have either retired their companies or have gone out of business & no longer need websites. I enjoyed ALL of the clients that I have worked with over the last 20 plus years. THANK YOU to all of my current clients for continued loyalty to my business & your continued website maintenance & updates.

East Coast Sunrooms website link Sigmon & Sigmon Law Rod Devine Detective
Hannah Duerr website link Buy-Rite Equipment Tom Lubbin Author
Dogwood Quilts website link Anytime Junk Removal website link Ellen S Kingsley Esq. - Family Law Easton
Capco Storage Units Allentown, PA website link Kefi Media, LLC website link Michael Richline Construction website link
Cat Lovers Gifts - Purr haus Boutique Bethlehem Nutrition website link Miller Supply Ace Hardware
Macungie Law website link A Personal Touch Pool Service website link Keystone Properties website link
Basic Patents website link Ages & Stages Daycare website link Bucks County website link
South Mountain Dog Training website link My auto Body Shops website link Expressive Movements Dance Studio website link
Green Pond Nursery website link Cornerstone Living Senior Care Home website link ANS Business Forms website link


"One Stop Shop" for ALL of your business needs, mobile friendly web design complete with SEO. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates for 256 bit encryption to protect your site against malware, tracking cookies & other security issues. Graphic design skills, which include; logo design, brochure & flyer design, business cards, rack cards, photo editing, old photo restoration.

WE DESIGN your site & post it on a live server, before you spend ANY money or purchase your domain name, & hosting package. You can navigate through your live sample website to see how it will work, WITHOUT spending a dime. If you are not satisfied with the initial design, you can either work with us for the look that you desire, or move on to another Web Designer, without losing any money.

If you decide to use our services, the only fee that our clients pay per year, after the initial cost for the website build, is $163.87 for each year of hosting, & SSL Certificate. The cost of the domain per year is $17.17.

You also have full access & to your control panel. This is where your domain name & hosting services are located. Your domain & hosting are YOUR property & belong to you. If you decide to leave our website services, you have full control of your domain name & hosting by changing the username & password on your control panel.

Mobile friendly responsive design

As of April 2015, we started building responsive websites. We have added this service because of the new browser rules set by the Google Mobile friendly optimization. Google, as of April 15, 2016 stated that any site that is NOT mobile friendly could lose page ranking on their browser. Responsive website design will conform to any size web browser, tablet or cell phone. The cost for the new responsive design is a one-time fee of $200.00. We DO NOT charge a monthly fee for a mobile friendly website, like some other companies.

If you have already purchased a domain name & have a host server, we can still help you build a new website or redesign your current website. We can redesign your site to make it responsive (responsive/mobile friendly). We still add SEO, with the rebuild at no extra charge.

2018 Website Award


If we receive an email or phone call from our clients, we are committed to take care of their request within 48 hours. We strive to work quickly to update your website & add any changes that you request, in a timely manner. We do not believe that you should wait, if you have additions that you need placed on your website.

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